Red Bull Eye Snapper from Nagasaki
Blue-Fin Searobin from Nagasaki
Japanese Barracuda from Nagasaki
Last night was the Japan made beer and kushiage pairing dinner.
[kushiage = deep fried skewer]
On a hot summer night, in Japan, we enjoy very much the combination of deep fried skewers and beer. So much so that there exist even places only serving kushiage.
Traditionally, kushiage are simply various ingredients breaded and fried. The most traditional setting of a kushiage place is a tiny space with only a counter where you enjoy the brewed drink and the fried skewers standing. Yes, standing. No seats. And the correct way to stand is not facing the counter but with the body looking sideways, so as to accomodate as many fellow customers at the counter, where the kushiage are being fried in front of you. If you stand facing the counter of these mom and pop places, the wife inside the counter would scold you for having no manner. Yes, it is hard core.
At these traditional places, the skewers are normally served with pretty large rough cuts of cabbage and a bowl of sauce (to share with the other fellow customers - which means strangers dipping skewers in the same bowl of sauce).
Nowadays, there are also more modern places serving kushiage in a completely different setting, sometimes in a course style, frying non-traditional ingredients and serving with unique sauces. We opted for the latter, more modern approach (Our place is too big to scold the customers for standing incorrectly. So we sat down for the dinner).